Lake Biwa

This is Lake Biwa.
It is the largest and oldest lake in Japan located in the center of Shiga Prefecture. The area is approximately 670 km², the maximum water depth is 104 meters and the total shoreline is 240 km. Approximately 460 large and small rivers flow into the lake and the water flows out to the River Seta and the Lake Biwa Canal.
The lake was born in Iga-ueno, Mie Prefecture approximately 4 million years ago. It gradually moved and presumably reached the current location approximately 1.2 million years ago. Its ecosystem is diverse, and more than 1,000 species of animals and plants inhibit there. There are also many endemic species such as Biwa trout and Seta clams.
Communities have been rooted to Lake Biwa as a route of transportation on the water and a fishing ground since the Jomon Period [approximately 10,000 years ago]. Its beautiful sites are admired in many literary works such as the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) and The Pillow Book.

Designation Category
Waterland registered on the Ramsar Convention's list

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