Shuzen Daishi-e Memorial Service

It is a memorial service that is held on the day of the passing of Shuzen Daishi Gishin, the master of Chisho Daishi Enshin who was the restorer of Miidera Temple. Shuzen Daishi went to the Tang Dynasty with Dengyo Daishi Saicho, and became the first head priest of the Tendai Sect in 824. He exerted himself to help the Tendai Sect flourish after the death of Dengyo Daishi. At the ceremony, Gishin’s statue is enshrined in the Toin Kanjodo Hall, and the Hokke Zanmai-ho memorial service is conducted, chanting the Lotus Sutra.

General admission
Holding period
July 4
Toin Kanjodo Hall at Onjoji Temple

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