Dairenji Temple

It was reportedly founded by Priest Enkai in 876, in the Heian Period [between the late 8th and 12th centuries]. Initially, it was a Tendai Sect temple; however, after its decline, it was revived and converted to the Soto Sect during the Keicho Era [1596–1615]. In the precinct there is a well which was reportedly used to [boil silk to soften to] make Emperor Tenji’s clothes, and the well was called Nurinuki no I and was deemed to be one of the three famous waters in Otsu.
The temple’s treasure, a set of 16 hanging scrolls of color paintings on silk of Rakan [Arhat][12 scrolls only out of 16 scrolls], was made in the Kamakura Period [between the 12th and early 14th centuries] and was designated as an Important Cultural Property.

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