Akiba Shrine

Two deities, Kagutsuchi no Mikoto and Okuninushi no Mikoto are enshrined in this shrine. The hill on which the shrine is located is the Chausuyama Burial Mound which was built between the end of 4th and early 5th centuries. The total length of this keyhole-shaped burial mound is 122.5 meters which is the second longest in the prefecture. It originates from when Honda Yasumasa, who was in charge of watching for fire at the Kyoto Imperial Palace, founded this shrine in the late 17 century by sharing the sacred spirit of Akiba Daimyojin from Mikawa Province [now around Aichi Prefecture], who was worshipped as the deity with the ability to prevent fires.
Currently this area is maintained as the Chausuyama Park where citizens can leisurely pass the time.

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